advertise with us

BT Publishing (BTP) is Australia’s premier, award winning, Business Tourism industry publisher with a portfolio of magazines, websites and e newsletters to facilitate advertising, destination and property education, qualifying of buyers for famils and more. BTP was established in 2000 and is family owned and operated by experienced tourism industry professionals. Readers are looking to be stimulated by new information on industry trends, news and new product. Destinations seek products able to visually complement their offering and cut through to a corporate and association readership looking to buy their offering. BTP’s glossy, high quality product is able to fulfill this need and through a consultative approach, new and innovative campaigns ensure maximum ROI.

The content

Market research underlines the need for practical, hands-on case studies. Each issue features signature case studies and in-depth destination reports supported by bureau and NTO’s, together with news, views and interviews with the top industry people that will inspire and influence buyers

The multi-media offering – The fastest way to reach an additional on-line tech savvy audience

Advertising within a BTP publication automatically combines the strength of traditional print media with the power and immediacy of online publishing. As well as our key websites (, and, we produce fortnightly and monthly e-newsletters, and in late 2013 launched the micenet AUSTRALIA eMag, available to download free of charge from our website. These value-adds substantially increase the print effectiveness of any advertising programs.

The credibility

micenet magazines are audited by the Circulations Audit Bureau (CAB) which means the publisher is held accountable and takes responsibility for reporting actual and honest distribution numbers.

Go beyond the pages with the micenet AUSTRALIA eMag

micenet AUSTRALIA continues to be at the forefront of business events publishing, launching a user-friendly eMag. The new digital magazine brings users more information, amazing images, audio interviews, video of the events and destinations featured in the hard copy magazine, and the ability to talk about the issues in real time through social media. See for the latest issue.

micenet Advertising enquiries

For all micenet AUSTRALIA and ASIA related enquiries, please contact Helen Batt-Rawden on +61 2 8264 4444 or via email at

Get up & Go Advertising enquiries

For advertising enquiries in relation to Get up & Go, please contact Richard Birrell on +61 2 8264 4420 or via email at